Austria, documentary film, HD, 75 min. Directed by: Ivette Löcker, cinematography by: Frank Amann, sound design by: Alexej Antonov, film editing by: Michael Palm, produced by: Mischief Films Vienna (Ralph Wieser), with three live songs by the band “Last Tanks in Paris”. Cinema, festivals: Diagonale Graz 2014
Schanna and Ljoscha are survivors. In the 1990s, the years of turbulent upheaval in Russia, they became addicted to heroin. Schanna and Ljoscha know that their time is running out, and they respond to this with their fragile love of life and their gallows humor.
“When it blinds, open your eyes” is the most remarkable current film I saw at the Diagonale 2014.” Lukas Foerster, Cargo Online
“When it blinds, open your eyes” is the rare case of a film in which captivating poetry emerges from a description of bare existence.” Dominik Kamalzadeh and Isabella Reicher, Der Standard
Outstanding Artist Award 2014, Vienna Film Festival: Diagonale Graz 2014, Duisburger Filmwoche 2014, This Human World Festival Vienna
Sixpack Film
Bert Rebhandl in Cargo Online